Wifey and I did our Beach Solitude homework together. And by "together", I mean we got out of the car, walked to separate parts of the beach, and tried to ignore each other's existence for the next 2 hours. Luckily, my silent state made it a little less tempting for us to try to communicate during that time.
In movement class today, a capoeira instructor named Andrea came in to start us off with some basic moves. We learned 5 different kinds of kicks (none of which I can pronounce -- but I didn't have to, because of this vocal rest) among other things. She also brought in a bunch of nifty instruments used in capoeira and demonstrated them. I thought it was pretty awesome.
We have officially started working on The Bow and The Camel Arch tremor positions. I'm a little worried that I'm never going to find a tremor in either of them.
This is The Bow:

This is The Camel (aka The Arch):

Both of these positions come very naturally to me (most likely because of my over-curved spine), which is why I have a difficult time finding tremors in them. I don't feel energy flowing through me to sustain these positions. My body likes them. My voice professor used me as an example for The Camel (apparently my version is relatively graceful), and said that while I might never tremor there, I should feel an opening in my chest and shoulders as a result of it. So at least that.
Very little actually happened. Being a student rep? Sort of a piece of cake so far. It just means that I have a cramped lunch hour once a week.
We're having exams on Friday over our "memory of physical action" exercises, so we'll be seeing a lot of those this week (many of which will be repeats). Today we saw:
Big Show - repairing a flat bike tire
Killer - replacing the lamp in a Source 4
O.D. - relaxing in a hot tub
All The Way - planting flowers
Wifey - vacuuming
I was originally thinking that I'd share "doing laundry", "putting away laundry", or "steaming clothes" (can you tell what's been on my mind this weekend?), but seeing as how our exam is this close, I think I'm just going to stick with "making a peanut butter and banana sandwich". That way, I'll be able to get feedback on it twice more before the exam.
More project presentations. The "Conventions of 19th century theatre" group finished up, and then the "naturalism" group did an inventive skit for theirs. We'll begin discussing A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen on Thursday.