
Wednesday, September 24

What we did in movement class today pales in comparison to what we did FOR movement class. We attended a capoeira "roda" (pronounced sort of like "HUD-duh"). Capoeira is an African/Brazilian dance/sport/martial art. It's quite neat. It also involves singing and drumming, and people sort of fake fighting using dance in the middle of a circle of other people. I know Two-Shots-Up got some pictures and video, but I don't have access to them yet. Here's an example of what capoeira can look like.

Yeah. It was sweet. I think we're going to get some basic instruction in it at some point.

Good news! There are some consonant sounds that I actually say correctly! They are "p", "b", "m", "n", and "ng". So that's something. :)

At one point, The Pro was doing some stretching, and it turned out that he unknowingly went into a tremor position called "The Bow", so we learned it. And then when I was stretching out after The Bow, I went into one called "The Arch", so we learned that one, too (making our class ahead of schedule on our tremors). Both of the new tremors involve stretching out the spine in a way that compresses the lower back (which feels really great to me, because of my weird back, but they can cause pain and spasms to people who try them without being properly trained).

I had a hard time finding a tremor in either of the new positions, probably because they're stretches that my body is used to and comfortable with. By the end of class, I found a small tremor in The Bow, but nothing with The Arch.

The current goal is to work out of your "artistic center" and let your "creative subconscious" take over. We're trying to give ourselves full freedom. This is much easier said than done. My professor said today that we should NOT be making choices; we should be following impulses.

I think I understand what he's saying, but it hasn't fully switched itself on in my brain yet. I know that one day, it'll suddenly CLICK, and I'll get it. Until then, I'm just going to try my best to not look perpetually puzzled.


Jes said...

These "tremors" sound totally weird to me and I basically do not understand them at all. When are you going to video tape this craziness and put in on youtube?!

A Quiet Man with a Loud Voice said...

Oh man. I want to attend grad school there now. Any grad school that teaches Capoeira...

Jealous. Me. To the nth degree.

And yes, I demand videos of tremors too! I don't know if I'm picturing it right in my brain...

Daniel Boughton said...

Capoeira! Awesome. The guys in the video did some stuff I don't remember seeing before.

Look puzzled. :)