I got together with 5 of the other Imaginary Invalid understudies a couple of days ago, and we tried to run the show ourselves (with various people filling in for the missing cast members). And I realized just how bad of a job I've done with memorizing these lines.
I thought I had things down pretty well because I can mouth the words along with the actress during the scene. But once I'm actually on my feet and trying to remember the cues myself? I'm a big old mess.
So yesterday I sat down and started trying to use my NORMAL method of line memorization (which involves writing down the first letter of every word... It's a method I made up for myself, and I've been told that it looks like hieroglyphics or something to other people). Then I got together with Two-Shots-Up to run our scenes, and I'm already doing significantly better (which is good, as the show opens in a few days!).
Tonight is a dress run, so I'm going to attend that to really solidify the blocking in my mind. Hopefully everything will go well.
I called a bunch of florists this weekend to try to locate a floral designer to shadow, but I got a bunch of answering machines (it turns out, a lot of florists take a few days off after Christmas... And a lot of Florida florists are closed on Sundays for some reason. And the one florist I actually got a hold of gave me a flat out "no") But I have a little more time for that, so I'm not freaking out yet. I'm sure I'll be able to find people to observe.
Introverted Entrepreneur
11 years ago
When I was putting the finishing touches on my wedding last year, I had the same problem with florists and answering machines. Try going to their shops. You're more likely to get someone's attention that way, and they're less likely to say no. In the meantime, maybe there are videos of florists working on Youtube? You might check Martha Stewart's site, too.
i've seen the first letter memorization method. it works great with verse.
The first letter memorization sounds very cool and helpful. I think I might try it out...Good luck with finding someone to observe!!!
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