This weekend we had two understudy rehearsals for The Winter's Tale. Sadly, we had to do them in a rehearsal room because the ballet is performing this weekend. The result of this? It means that when we do Act IV and Act V at our understudy run, it will be the first time that any of us has done that blocking on the set.
I'm doing... alright. The first day we did the end of the play, and I ended up giving up and carrying my script for the final scene. Which is upsetting, but then I remembered that it was the FIRST TIME that I had ever rehearsed those lines with people other than myself. I just need to work the lines and blocking on my own, and I'm sure it'll be fine.
The second day was better. I went script-less for most of it, and I got all of the blocking without being reminded of it.
If I had to go on for Winter's Tale tomorrow, it would be rough, but I think the show would go on. (Well... except for the "Music, awake her, strike" monologue at the end... That might still be a little... paraphrased).
Our actual understudy run isn't until April 11. I'm praying that the actress playing the role doesn't get sick between now and then, because I'd really like to be able to rehearse the second half of the play on the set before performing it. I'm sure it would work itself out, but the experience of trying it on the set would make me a lot more confident about the whole thing.
This weekend includes not one, but TWO late nights (student-produced theatre events).
Sunday night I went to see a reading of a fairly new play called "Breathe". It's about two young boys who are in jail for separate murders, and the ways that their families are dealing with it. The cast was Thrill, D-Train, Two-Shots-Up, and a few 2nd and 3rd-years. I was glad to see that several of my schoolmates and some people from the community came out to support it, even though it meant missing the end of the Oscars.
Tonight I'm going to the "Poetry Mixtape", which Iceman put together. He's done a lot of performance poetry in the past, so he assembled a group to put on the show. I'm looking forward to it.
I received the following email from Voice Professor regarding my Vonnegut test in Acting class:
hi Angela,
Excellent open expressive vocal work!
Strong S&L
Strong application of speech to acting, great!
Good vocal energy, even during whispered lines
I struggled a lot last semester with staying "on voice", keeping vocal energy, and sending & landing my lines when I was actually in scenes (as opposed to just focusing on them in class). I've been working hard, and I'm so, so, so, so proud that I'm getting better at this stuff.
Now, if only I can stop locking my knees when I act...
It turns out the 2nd-years ALSO have to read Bus Stop and Morning's at Seven by Tuesday. The reading part isn't the problem; the obtaining copies of the plays on such short notice that's the problem.
I got really lucky, and bought probably the last copy of Bus Stop in town (the store said they didn't have it, but I went there anyway to look... It was there in an anthology that was horribly mis-alphabetized). I read it immediately and passed it off to Killer, who said he'd pass it to All-the-Way, who said she'd pass it to Wifey. Big Show checked a copy of Morning's at Seven out of the library, which I read and passed to All-the-Way. I hope that everyone can pass all the plays around and get them read in time. *fingers crossed*
I still have to finish Mother Courage and Her Children by tomorrow as well.
Now I just have to find time to do my grocery shopping...
Introverted Entrepreneur
11 years ago
1 comment:
Hey, I've never commented, but I've been reading your blog since you first started and posted about it on BWW. Just wanted to say that it's been a daily ready for me since then. I'm a college senior waiting to hear back from the last half of my grad schools, so it's incredibly exciting and terrifying to read about your experiences. And it's so great to hear about your consistent improvements! Great job, girl! It sounds like you're really doing well in the program.
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