
Quotations: Volume 26

Here are some of the educational, inspirational, and humorous quotations from my classes this week:

Voice Professor: Sorry I'm late. There was a lizard on my windshield, so I had to stop in a good neighborhood to let him off.
Analysis Professor: Wait... You actually stopped in a 'good neighborhood'? What, so he'd have a good home?
Voice Professor: Yes. Well, you know, I killed a cockroach last night, so I needed to balance it.
Analysis Professor: I'm sorry, I think I just went into a fugue state.

"I told my mother that if I die before she does, I do not want my funeral to be some sort of celebration. I want there to be sobbing, and everyone must wear black, and there must be no talk of how wonderful my life was, only how tragic my death was." - Voice Professor

"The more you shake your tushy, the better this will work." - Movement Professor

"I'm not going to destructure a twelve-year-old. I'm just not." - Voice Professor

"If you want to be an actor who dances, you have to learn to act while you're dancing." - Movement Professor

(to Big Show, who was playing Vershínin in Three Sisters)
Acting Professor: From the time something clicks with Másha, she is your number one priority. Ólga is second there.
Killer: Másha, Másha, Másha!

(Discussing the play The Bullet Round)
Analysis Professor: This is not about the guns.
Thrill: How do you do that, [Analysis Professor]? That's like saying that there's a play where a tank drives on stage in every scene, but it's not about the tank.
Me: And the play is titled, 'The Tank'.

(After Voice Professor announced she was delaying our exam)
Thrill: Bless you, [Voice Professor]! Thank you! Namasté!
Voice Professor: Don't 'namasté' me. Child's pose for you!

"When you pat someone on the back, it sends a cloud of dust into the air." - Acting Professor, on how the random physical interactions were making the scene less alive

"As emotions overwhelm you, remember that they are a fuel to move you forward, not a swimming pool to bathe in." - Acting Professor

(Discussing Three Sisters)
Acting Professor: The characters all deal with it in their own ways. Másha sometimes deals with it by kicking the dog, or the furniture, or something...
O.D.: Or Kulygin.
Wifey: Right. The dog.

Voice Professor: She's incredible. She gets up at four o'clock in the morning to ride her horse.
Thrill: She's like George Washington.

Me: [Analysis Professor] hates it when I quote him out of context on my blog.
D-Train: You know he loves it. He probably goes on and thinks, "What? I was only quoted twice this week?"

(Discussing Three Sisters)
Acting Professor: At one point, Kulygin started singing in Latin? I thought that moment was to die for. I'm not saying you have to do it again. Who knows if the impulse will come?
O.D.: Oh, it'll come.
Acting Professor: Maybe if you record...
Wifey: If you record it, it will come.

"Does anybody have any aspirin? I'm having a cerebral hemorrhage." - Analysis Professor

(At the first quasi-tech rehearsal for Three Postcards. Tech Instructor was designing lights, and Killer was Light Board Operator)
Tech Instructor: Where's [Killer]?
Stage Manager: He wasn't called tonight.
Tech Instructor: But who's gonna be here to hold my hand?

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