
Thursday, November 19

We recited texts after Paul Meier on his CD, trying to get all of the RP sounds.

KEEP IN MIND: Today was Day 3 of our tap workshop. Most people in the class have never done tap before, so the fact that we're doing the things we're doing is really quite impressive.

We did what Dance Instructor says is "what people will do at an audition when asked to do a Times Step." We had already learned singles, doubles, and triples. This one goes:
Stamp; hop shuffle step; flap step
(and then the next stamp comes RIGHT after the step... There's a beat between the stamp and the hop)

We also started what Dance Instructor called "Rhythm Tap". I think he said what we were doing was an "essence" (I might have the word wrong... it started with an E)

He called this combination the "Bus Stop" step, because it's something that you practice while waiting for the bus.
flap heel heel brush heel toe heel

(It's a backwards brush... For some reason, I want to call it something else... Like a pick-up? Or a spank? Are those the same thing? Are they even real terms? It's been a LONG time since I've tapped, and I can't remember anymore.)

I met with Acting Professoressa at lunch. At our reading of Cymbeline, she says I've been pushing too much, and that I need to trust the text more. She was worried that I was vocally trying to play an emotional state. I wanted to meet with her about it to try to correct it as soon as possible. I think I've figured out how to correct it.

We finished reading Cymbeline. It was a wild ride. And a lot of fun.

It actually makes me wish that I had some sort of class or reading group where people just got together and did table reads of plays for fun.

(NOTE: If such a place/group/class exists -- ANYWHERE -- please tell me so that I can get in touch with someone to figure out how it is run... Maybe in the future I can replicate it.)

Favorite line of the day:
"Hang there like fruit, my soul,
Till the tree die."
- Posthumus, while embracing Imogen after they've been reunited

1 comment:

Justen said...

I'm directing a production of Beautiful Thing and Paul Meier's Cockney CD is excellent. I was trained in IPA and love how it works for those who know it and those who don't.