
I'm Sick

Sorry for the lapse in blogging. I'm totally sick right now (if I were one of Snow White's dwarves, I'd be Sneezy).

My whole class passed our Stage Combat actor-combatant recognition whatever-they're-called exams. :)

We return to regular classes this week... which means we're about to be way more exhausted than we have been the last two weeks... Which means I've gotten sick at pretty much the worst possible time. (All-The-Way, Killer, Two-Shots-Up, and Voice Professor have all had whatever I have as well)

I hope to get back to blogging this week, but I make no promises.

All good things,


1 comment:

Timmy Tim Tim said...

I hope you're better at this point! It must be so hard to stay healthy when y'all are on the go ALL THE TIME. It's what we do though, right? :-D