
Wednesday, March 3

We had our New York dialect exam today. I think we all did pretty well. I'm going to be a little sad to leave this dialect behind... But fortunately, I'm still playing the Nurse in Machinal for the next three weeks, and SHE has a New York dialect. So that's nice.

Voice Professor gave us her notes from our preview performance last night. Her note for me: "Angela is awesome." :-D

More Pavane-ing. We also worked on greeting the King/Queen. It involves crossing to near the King, taking a grand reverance, introducing yourself, and then leaving in a gliding manner while never looking away from the King. It feels silly to do it, actually, but it's fun. My name is now officially "Madame Felicia Featherotica". (But I keep almost saying "Featherbottom" because I've been watching Arrested Development lately, and there's a character on that show who uses "Mrs. Featherbottom" as an alias).


Opening night rocked! WOO-HOO!

I have some pictures from it. I'll try to get them up soon.

The audience was totally with us, which is great. I have the feeling that this is a show people won't be ambivalent toward. They might love it, they might hate it, but they'll have an opinion. And I'm excited about that.

Here's a video about the show:

1 comment:

S. said...

the show looks really cool. I'd totaly come see it if I weren't so far away (Canada)