I finished reading through the Irish scene with both Killer and with Iceman. The dialect is definitely getting less intimidating as I go.
The hardest sound for me to consistently shift is the vowel in "hut", which shifts to the vowel in "wood". I know how to do it, but for some reason I don't always in the moment.
We continued exploring the space using our Commedia movement styles. We also worked on the evolution from our Commedia animals to our Commedia types.
We did a full group exploration/improv as the animals that our Commedia types are connected to, and then as the characters themselves. Eventually, we started playing games as the characters (like a variation of soccer, and a version of duck-duck-goose), speaking only in Grammelot.
The scenes that went today were Comedy of Errors and Two Noble Kinsmen.
The only notes I took down today:
- Finding a shared perverse sense of humor can be the difference between friends and best friends, or sometimes between best friends and lovers. (I think it was connected to a discussion about the Taming of the Shrew scene.)
Newbie and I will be working on Twelfth Night during tutorial time on Tuesday, and I believe D-Train and I will be doing All's Well That Ends Well Tuesday during class. We're supposed to be off-book for all scenes on Tuesday.
Introverted Entrepreneur
11 years ago
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