Guess what, everybody...
I'm back!
Today was Orientation for all three classes. Part of me can't believe that it was my third time through this... But I clearly remember the last two times, so most of me was on board with the concept.
My rehearsals don't start until September 17th. Until then, I'll just be having one class a week, which focuses on preparing for our New York Showcase in the Spring.
Yes, that's right. One class a week. That's it.
After two years of busy schedules, I'm not exactly used to taking it slow.
Orientation was pretty much exactly what it has been in the past. We elected two new class representatives (D-Train & O.D. volunteered). We got the lecture about hurricane safety. We got a quick rundown of all of the expectations placed upon us. And I made a special request of Head of Program to tell us one more time that "the future of the American Theatre is in this room," as he has the last two years (although I have a feeling he would've done it without my request).
I can't believe I'm a third year. But somehow it isn't hard for me to believe that the 1st-years have become 2nd-years. Maybe it's just because I have a brand new group to refer to as 1st-years (who are all delightful, by the by). But somehow my own progress seems more insane.
I survived my first year. I survived my 2nd-year. I made it through London. And now I'm in the final stretch. From where I'm standing now, it almost feels like a victory lap.
I know there's a lot of work ahead, but it seems like everything is winding down. I'm not sure how to feel about that, yet.
I'm off to read Deathtrap. It's the only show in the season that I haven't read yet. I want to make sure I know what it's about in case I end up understudying it. (I've read the first scene so far, and I think I might request to understudy it. It seems like a great show.)
Much love, my long-lost blog readers.
Introverted Entrepreneur
11 years ago
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