
Quotations: Volume 57

I realized I haven't posted Quotations in quite a while... So here are some that I've found in my notes. Many are from London.

(Disclaimer: quotations are often taken out of context and may not accurately reflect the way they were originally intended)

"Crack is not a vitamin. It is, in fact, a drug."
- Angela

"I do like dirty stories"
- Mark

(after Killer's first try at a monologue about "losing his man card", his fiancée All-The-Way raised her hand)
All-The-Way: I sort of have a question-slash-comment.
Mark: I'm sure you might.

"Be still, good people. 'Tis I, the Protestant whore."
- Blue Badge Tour Guide Seán, supposedly quoting Nell Gwynne

"I saw Margaret Thatcher there once eating a scone. Poor little defenseless scone. Huge, scary teeth coming at it."
- Blue Badge Tour Guide Seán

(after Angela purchased a feather-pen in a gift shop)
Angela: I'm going to see if I can get the feather to stay in my cap.
Wifey: Just don't call it Macaroni.

"Rando Calrissian."
- Wifey, finding a new brilliant way to refer to something as "random"

Mark: He says some quote, it's either Freud or David Bowie, I can't remember which. "We may be done with the past, but the past is never done with us.
Big Show: It's from The Frogs.

Big Show: She may not be a prostitute, but she's wearing a prostitute's uniform.
Wifey: Well, at least you didn't have to pay.

"A lot of actors try to make it fit, and that isn't the point. It's jazz, actually."
- Patsy, on scansion

"Christopher Marlowe never broke the rules, and then Shakespeare came along and broke them all."
- Patsy

"If you wouldn't say what you want to say to Ian McKellan, then don't say it to anyone."
- Patsy, on not giving other actors notes in a rehearsal process

"All women want to be listened to and asked about. If you do that, you can seduce anyone."
- Patsy

"It's like steam-cleaning all the s*** off the text, isn't it?"
- Patsy, on her way of breaking down Shakespeare

"If you bring a plumber 'round and they don't do a proper job, you are outraged. And so should an audience be."
- Patsy, on how actors need to be on the top of their game during each and every performance

"I've worked with actors in America that, if they were here, would be knighted."
- Patsy, on how the UK respects acting in a way that the USA does not

"These plays are not written with a fourth wall."
- Patsy, on Shakespeare

"You've got to believe it will work. There's no point in speaking anything if you as actors have already judged that it won't work."
- Patsy, on your character fighting for their own happy ending

"There is no rehearsal for any of these moments."
- Patsy

"Questions are real."
- Patsy

"It's about experiencing the word enough, and then sending it out."
- Patsy

"Listen to me, all of you. You don't have to make it interesting. It IS interesting."
- Patsy

"You're sort of acting it as an old man. You should eliminate that. Old people don't know that they're old."
- Patsy

"As soon as you decide you can get a laugh on a line and you stick to that, all other options are dead."
- Patsy

"The dialogue you have as an artist with yourself is, 'Is this truthful? Or am I just embellishing?'"
- Patsy

"Judi Dench once said I'm the only one who gives her notes. It's incredibly lonely [to be respected]."
- Patsy

"Some of you might go to LA, but seek out the stage. That's where you learn."
- Patsy

"Believe you're enough. I think that's a great disease amongst you."
- Patsy

"Bring your feet in. Stop looking like Shrek. Or it's the cat in Shrek, isn't it..."
- Charmian

"We have a joke over here that Americans say 'I love you' and 'I hate you' in exactly the same tone."
- Charmian

"If it's difficult to physically say, it's difficult to think and feel."
- Patsy, on heightened language

"[O.D.] can't be the weird one. That would be too obvious."
- Antigone Now Director, while blocking a scene

(Iceman walks in eating chicken.)
Killer: Whatcha got there?
Iceman: It's just a man and a breast.

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