I chose to stick to drinking water (no, seriously, I did; Voice Professor taught me well). But I did some Shakespeare anyway. :)
I did a Luciana monologue from The Comedy of Errors (in a very contemporary style), and a Constance monologue from King John (in a New York dialect). I also helped Iceman as a silent Isabella in his Angelo speeches from Measure for Measure, and D-Train as a silent Ophelia to Dane's Hamlet in his "To be, or not to be?" soliloquy.
It was SO MUCH FUN!!! I hope we get the opportunity to do it again.
Two awesome photographers came and documented the event, and I'm completely obsessed with their shots, so I thought I'd share them here!
The first batch came from Scott Braun.

The second group are by Gabriel Hernandez

Looks like you had a great time! Nice pictures!
great pictures, just by looking at it I sense a story coming, I guess the camera really loves you..
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