
Friday, November 14

Today was a good day for me.

My Viewpoints group presented our text project, and I think it went pretty well. We'd been rehearsing indoors, but I think that things became more interesting once we were in the actual space (which was outside on an expanse of grass containing three flagpoles).

We learned some new stretches for our alignment work. By the time we get to winter break, we'll have a collection called "The Daily Dozen" (which, as it turns out, is a baker's dozen) that we'll have to add to our normal routines.

My standing tremor kicked in today! I was worried after nothing was happening yesterday. Now it's pretty jumpy, which is rather like my other tremors. D-Train and Killer look like they have similar ones. I can't get up all the way into standing yet (it starts with you being on your hands and knees, and you move into standing in a gradual process). Some of my classmates can get all the way into the position, where they have their arms raised over their heads. Others of my classmates are going to need "spotters" for awhile, to make sure they don't fall down.

We had our text etude exam today, and I think it went really well. My Movement Professor and Voice Professor attended the class and gave a bit of feedback as well.

My first set was with Two-Shots-Up. Our first run was... not great. I missed a ton of impulses (and didn't realize that I was missing them), and it just felt slow. Our second one felt pretty good to me. I was in love with her, and she realized that she was uncomfortable in a lesbian relationship (which isn't something that you would gather from the text), and left me confused and upset.

My second set was with Thrill. In our first run, I ended up going to a very strong, somewhat sexy, and manipulative character who was very much in control of the interaction. In our second run (of the same text), I was guilty and frightened. I felt really good about both runs. And I was glad that my classmates (and professors) got to see something out of me that they hadn't seen before.

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