
Wednesday, November 26

We spent all morning preparing for and performing our Voice Showing (I guess I shouldn't really say performing... it wasn't a performance). I think it went well. All we had to do was tremor and say a line... Easy enough.

The 2nd-years had a lot more to show. They demonstrated the dialects that they've been working on, their scansion studies, and then recited "Lady with a Lapdog" (which I was previously unfamiliar with). It's exciting to get a glimpse at where my class will (hopefully) be a year from now. :)

Group Therapy
I just really have to say this: thank God for our bi-weekly therapy sessions. Seriously. There are so many things that would never get addressed without them. And not just problems, but also things that we appreciate.

It was mentioned in Group Therapy that we're a team, and I think that's finally true. "Ensemble" is such a strange concept, but "team" makes sense somehow.

Between classes, a couple of us were discussing catch-phrases for the class of '11. The best two were:

"We're so great, we're #1... TWICE."


"On a scale of 1 to 10, we're '11!"

I found them most amusing. Go team!

We got through all 8 scenes in one day!

Everyone is growing so much right now. Even just in the last week, I've seen major developments.

I'm glad that things are fitting together. Our showing is next Thursday. If we can perform that day on the same level we've been performing, I think we might just turn our skeptics into cheerleaders.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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