
Friday, January 8

Okay, so today was exciting because we learned a new tremoring position! It's one that the 1st-year class had already learned, but we skipped for some reason. So Wifey requested that we learn it, and today we did! It's called the Cross-Body Tremor, and it's similar to a cross-body stretch that we do in Movement Class. I think it's going to be good for our hip flexors.

After destructuring, we went over our vocal extreme work with shouting and yelling. Everyone seems to be remembering it very well.

We started off with lifting weights to music. My weights are 3 pounds. When we started today, I began to think that I should move up to 5-pound weights, because things were a little too easy. But then in a couple of other things we did, 3-pound weights were PLENTY... although that might've been the lifts, or it might've been fatigue (I'm not known for my endurance).

We did some barre work, which is always fun. It turns out I've been doing my "sous-sus" wrong this whole time, so Movement Professor helped me get into a better position today.

Oh! And giant step forward: I'm allowed to look in the mirror now! Last semester, Movement Professor would intentionally put me behind people who were taller than I am so that I couldn't see my body in the mirror. She said that it was important for me to feel the positions, instead of relying on what I was seeing. But in my assessment, she said I was mirror-ready, so today, I finally got to see myself! I was seriously excited about it. Probably more than anyone else in my class would be.

Today was the first of the "short classes". Most of us were excused at 11:15, and then Movement Professor worked with Newbie and O.D. on their duet.

We discussed our process with our monologue notebooks a bit, and then a few people jumped up and started working. Today it was Iceman and Two-Shots-Up, and we started on Killer's.

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