
Quotations: Volume 46

Here are some of the educational, inspirational, and humorous quotations from my classes this week:

(Disclaimer: quotations are often taken out of context and may not accurately reflect the way they were originally intended)

"If you're screaming to the, God forbid, areopagites..."
- Voice Professor, giving an example of screaming at the audience

D-Train: (groan)
Movement Professor: That just means you're starting to like ballet.

Movement Professor: (groans while doing a stretch for her thighs)
D-Train: That just means you're starting to like ballet.
Movement Professor: It means I like opening my thighs.

"I might have to cut out of class an hour early that Thursday because I have a plane to catch. And I'm a girl, so I have s*** to carry."
- Acting Professoressa, about leaving for recruitment

(after glancing at syllabus)
Newbie: I have a question about the Shakespeare scenes. It says we're doing three?
Acting Professoressa: Right. That's probably a fairy tale.

"If you are completely in Reality Number Two, if you have packed correctly for this journey, I'm gonna know it."
- Acting Professoressa

"Well come out and play. If you don't have that, you might as well play Richard Dahlmer."
- Acting Professoressa

"The thing to hang your hat on is Need. That'll get you where you need to go."
- Acting Professoressa

"Try to get away with it."
- Acting Professoressa, on playing "evil" characters

"If I get wind that you, as a graduate of the [Conservatory], are out there playing qualities, I will be out there on my f***ing broomstick..."
- Acting Professoressa (I didn't hear the end of the sentence, because we all started busting out laughing)

"These 3D glasses don't work!"
- Killer, during our "goggle" exercise to focus our voices

(while discussing the vowel in "pie", and the phrase "I like my pie".)
Voice Professor: Is there a swear word with [the "i" sound] in it?
Angela: Not that I can think of.
DC: Shite?
Voice Professor: I like my shite-y pie.

(O.D. walked up to Voice Professor to ask a question)
O.D.: Are the muscles of support the same as Kegel muscles?
Voice Professor: No. Get back over there.

"You can feel however you want; just don't play it."
- Acting Professoressa

"This is not how you want to end up, like Mr. Google in the library."
- Acting Professoressa

"You can nail him. You can nail a baby. You can nail a King. You can nail anyone as long as you're right... (sees Angela writing down the quotation) Jesus, I'm going to be arrested for child abuse if my name gets put next to that."
- Acting Professoressa, after D-Train mentioned he was uncertain of whether he should use the verb "to nail" as an action

"You're the King. And I'll tell you one thing; you're a lot better looking than a lot of those kings they used to have. Some of those people were dogs."
- Acting Professoressa, about Iceman's monologue where he plays a King

"You call on God if you want, but don't spend a lot of time with God. It's really about them."
- Acting Professoressa, on how Iceman is calling on God as a tactic to get through to the people of his court

"You can land them both. You're an athlete. You can do it. You're an acting athlete."
- Acting Professoressa, about landing two lines in quick succession

"You have to come up with the list as you're saying it. It's the bathtub, and the wallpaper, and the chicken!"
- Acting Professoressa

"These are not Shakespeare's words. These are your words. They are Romeo's words, and you are Romeo."
- Acting Professoressa, to Killer.

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