
Wednesday, January 27

3rd-Year NP joined our class today, giving us an even number for a change.

We played an EPIC game of "God/Creature" (a game where one person makes noises and "controls" what the other person does in movement). Two pairs went at the same time, and then the creatures began to interact (but only as their masters allowed them to through vocal cues). It was a ton of fun. All-The-Way was my master, and I got to do movement to interact with Iceman. I loved it. I also loved watching the groups after us give it a go. It was creative and free; two things my class does well.

At the piano, the men explored their "feminine registers", which was pretty sweet. I had no idea that Killer or O.D. have as high of ranges as they do (actually, I think even THEY were surprised by it).

The only thing I need to say about rehearsal tonight:

We played the chair game again, where we had to spell out a 4-letter noun, one letter at a time, without communicating what the letters or word would be. It's a game we once struggled with, but tonight it came relatively easily to us. And the word we spelled?



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