Here are some of the educational, inspirational, and humorous quotations from my classes this week:
"It's hella ambient."
- Two-Shots-Up, after Killer put gels over the bright light in the Voice Studio
"Take out Lady with the Lapto-... Lady with a Laptop? It's a modern adaptation."
- Voice Professor, stumbling over the title of Lady with a Lapdog
Movement Professor: I learned The Worm from the man who invented The Worm, if there's such a thing as the inventor of The Worm.
Iceman: God?
"One of the funniest things I've done in my career was learning to pop-and-lock."
- Movement Professor
(Discussing the next phase of Little Bears exercises)
Movement Professor: Now we're adding in the next level. We're still doing Shelter/Sheltie and fulcrums, but now we're adding play. We're adding the idea that we're little bear cubs playing.
Me: So, we're adding in awkward?
(During All-the-Way's presentation on Ancient Greek beauty & dress)
"Just think what they would've done if they'd had lycra."
- Acting Professoressa
(As Two-Shots-Up was explaining libations -- wine offerings to gods or deceased relatives -- in her presentation about Ancient Greek food and drink)
"We do the same thing today. We pour out beer on the streets for our dead homies, so, you know."
- Two-Shots-Up
(During Killer's presentation on Ancient Greek values)
Killer: They realized how difficult moderation actually is.
Acting Professoressa: It's a b****. It really is.
(During O.D.'s presentation on Ancient Greek slavery & freedom, he referenced Newbie's poster on sexuality and prostitution)
"When you had that sign up about prostitution, [Newbie], I was looking for the young boys. Not that I'm interested in young boys. Just, I'd done all this research."
- O.D.
(Before Big Show's presentation on Ancient Greek religion)
Acting Professoressa: [Big Show] is next with a huge topic.
Big Show: Huge is an understatement.
Acting Professoressa: I'm not usually known for my understatement. I'm happy to hear that.
(discussing whether to use a liquid "u" in the word "stupid")
"If you say "styoopid" in everyday life, people will hurt you, but in this text..."
- Voice Professor
(during Little Bears, Movement Professor had asked All-the-Way and O.D. to recite text to make sure they were breathing. All-the-Way recited a line of Shakespeare)
"I don't know the next line of Two Gentlemen of Verona. It might be, 'You're really hot and I'll save you from the tower.'"
- O.D.
"There's nothing you can do to a guy that's lifting a bull."
- Thrill, during part of his cultural anthropology presentation about a side show at the ancient Olympic games
Thrill: There was a goddess named Nike, and that's where Nike got their name. She was a goddess of victory.
Iceman: She just did it.
"Think twice before using sarcasm, even if you think it is embedded in the text."
- Acting Professoressa, on avoiding negative tactics
"That's a question you have to ask yourselves: under what circumstances could I kill someone? And if the answer is never, you can't be an actor."
- Acting Professoressa, on understanding the desperate acts of characters
"There is such a thing as being too good of a partner. Don't give your partner what he needs unless he earns it."
- Acting Professoressa, on Yin-Yangs
"Your mission, should you choose to accept it, [O.D.], is to banish certain kinds of doings from your repetoire in favor of others. The goal is to have an endless supply of tactics. Everyone will get this note at some point."
- Acting Professoressa
"You need thrust. You know what I mean? An airplane does this really mysterious thing. Well, it's mysterious to me. How does it stay up in the air? It needs thrust. You need thrust, too."
- Acting Professoressa
"[Wifey]'s angry today. She slapped the book twice."
- Voice Professor
(Discussing Electra)
O.D.: I think the problem is that she feels her mother is a murderer?
Acting Professoressa: That is a problem.
O.D.: To put it concisely...
Acting Professoressa: I hate it when that happens.
"That sounds like the title of a show from the fifties: 'This Is Your Need'."
- Acting Professoressa
(Acting Professoressa once asked a man with several sons if the youngest one could play Molossus in The Greeks. During the boy's first day of rehearsal, he was terrified that the actors were going to kill him and started crying.)
"I had to turn him in and said, 'Give me the next biggest one.'"
- Acting Professoressa
Voice Professor: She was so Standard, it was wonderful. I wish I could've recorded it, but I couldn't because of Equity rules. But it was so Standard and so felt. I was moved to tears.
D-Train: Was that because of the Standard?
Voice Professor: In part. (fakes weeping) "Her STS combinations! Her 'oracle'!"
(O.D. explains his poster collage representing Dionysus)
"That's why I chose black for this. And bright colors. And chaos. And that's a picture of Jim Morrison over there."
- O.D.
Introverted Entrepreneur
11 years ago
1 comment:
I like the libations one :)
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