
Thursday, September 24

We continued with screaming. Voice Professor says the things I have to pay attention to are:
- relax the back of the neck
- make sure not to let head go back-and-down on the onset
- don't collapse in the sternum

We started yelling/shouting. I have long portions of text that need to be shouted in The Greeks. Voice Professor said that I was doing well with it.

Stretching and contact improv... just another day in Movement class.

Big Show and I are partners from here on out, it sounds like. Today, our work started slow and a little off, because we were trying to make it like the last time we did it. But once we found a new rhythm, it went really well. Unfortunately, Big Show got an injury when he slipped on a mat, so we had to stop. I felt pretty terribly about it at first, actually. It's weird to put so much faith and trust into a partner, to give them all your weight, and then to have them injured. It made me think that maybe I was trusting too much, and maybe I shouldn't take as many risks in the future. Big Show assured me that it wasn't my fault, but it made me second guess myself.

At the end of last school year, the biggest note I had in assessments was just that I needed more confidence. The way things have been going lately has not made confidence an easy thing for me to work on.

My favorite Acting Professoressa note of the day:
When doing monologues (especially for auditions), try to find non-verbal actions between sentences that are still in character. For some reason, people really respond to them.

We worked on Helen today. The trickiest part about being a chorus member in that show is really just trying to figure out your point-of-view. We love Helen, at least to some degree, but we hesitate before helping or consoling her. Her being free most likely benefits us in some way, but she's just helpless as we are. We may or may not believe her story about how she got to Egypt. I don't think I really understand yet. Acting Professoressa said today that different chorus members can have different points of view on Helen, which is good. I just have to figure out one for myself that justifies all the actions I take and reactions I have during the play.

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