
Wednesday, September 30

We started with a Neti-Pot demonstration from Voice Professor. Only a few of us went to watch. For those not familiar with Neti-Pot-ing, the best way I can think to describe it is "nasal irrigation". It's really freaky to watch, but apparently it really clears out your sinuses. I'm going to try it.

Today was the first day of scansion! WOO-HOO! I love scansion. Really, I'm just a big old language geek in general (especially when it comes to Shakespearian whatnot), so I'm pretty stoked. The biggest challenge for me during this unit is going to be keeping my mouth shut when I know things that other people are still learning.

More contact improve off the mats. I went with O.D., and it was fun. We had a lot of starting and stopping, but it felt playful and I think we took some good risks.

Over lunch, All-The-Way and I had a rehearsal with Acting Professoressa to work on our Hermione/Andromache scene. It's really coming along, I think. We have a better sense of topping each other. I'm now trying to teach Hermione things in order to get her over to my side, as opposed to just telling her she's wrong and letting it turn into me fighting with her because I hate her.

During class, we worked on Electra. I had a stomachache through most of it, so I didn't write down any notes.

We did a reading of the second act (Ghost Children). It seemed to go pretty well.

We started blocking the first act (The Filmmaker's Mystery). I'm in the opening (the prologue?), and then not again for awhile. It's nice to start seeing things on their feet.

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