
Tuesday, September 15

Seriously? It's halfway through September? Already? Man, this year is going to be a BULLET TRAIN.

Oh my goodness. I just realized that The Greeks are going to be performed a month from tomorrow. If next month goes as quickly as this month did (and it will, I'm sure), then that's just terrifying.

It's a little weird that I'm even writing about Voice in this post, since Voice class was actually canceled for the day. Our exam is going to be tomorrow. Thank goodness, because I think I have my section a little bit better memorized now than I did before. So I felt like typing up my section of Lady with the Lapdog in case anyone is curious.

Note that this is all one paragraph, and there are TONS of clauses in my sentences. I'm taking breaths at nearly every comma -- and a couple of cheat breaths that aren't on commas -- to make it through.

Another month and, he thought, nothing but a memory would remain of Anna Sergeyevna: he would remember her as through a haze and only occasionally dream of her with a wistful smile, as he did of the others before her. But over a month passed, winter was at its height, and he remembered her as clearly as though he had only parted from her the day before. His memories haunted him more and more persistently. Every time the voices of his children doing their homework reached him in his study in the stillness of the evening, every time he heard a popular song or some music in a restaurant, every time the wind howled in the chimney – it all came back to him: their walks on the pier, early morning with the mist on the mountains, the Theodosia boat, and the kisses. He kept pacing the room for hours remembering it all and smiling and then his memories turned into daydreams and the past mingled in his imagination with what was going to happen. He did not dream of Anna Sergeyevna, she accompanied him everywhere like his shadow and followed him everywhere he went. Closing his eyes, he saw her as clearly as if she were before him, and she seemed to him lovelier, younger, and tenderer than she had been; and he thought that he too was much better than he had been in Yalta. In the evenings she gazed at him from the bookcase, from the fireplace, from the corner – he heard her breathing, the sweet rustle of her dress. In the street he followed women with his eyes looking for anyone who resembled her….

See why it's been tough to memorize? Look at all the times I say words like "thought", "remembered", "memory", "dream", "before"... It's easy to mix up one word with another, or start one sentence and end with another. And there are lots of lists that aren't easy to keep in order.

Two-Shots-Up helped coach me through it, and I think I'm going to be okay tomorrow. I might have a couple of paraphrases, but I don't think it'll be enough to really affect my grade. *crosses fingers*

We skipped jumping rope entirely and went straight into partner stretches. I was paired with Killer (we seem to be working together a lot lately, which is kinda funny, since the whole reason we decided to work together for The Proposal was that we hadn't worked together much).

After that, we got in pairs to work on "falling up and falling down" together. I was with Killer again. :) Both partners would fall to the floor, but one would end up being on bottom and supporting the other (falling down), and the other would fall with an upwards energy and be supported by the other but ready to get up easily (falling up). After experimenting with this for awhile, we then crossed the floor in pairs, continually falling up/down and rising again. I wasn't exactly sure how to do it at first, but it ended up being fun.

I need to remember that most exercises are more fun once I stop worrying if I'm doing them correctly.

I had a one-hour rehearsal with Acting Professoressa over lunch to work on my Andromache opening monologue. It's over 2 pages of me talking, and it's not easy to make it feel alive and active throughout. I think I made a lot of progress, but it needs a lot of work still.

We got about 2/3 of the way through blocking Andromache in class. We have another rehearsal of it tomorrow night, so I anticipate that we'll finish blocking it then.

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