
Friday, August 28

Voice Professor came around the classroom and had us all send-and-land, so that she could see where we all were after the long break. She said that I seemed to be in a state of rib compression at one point, which may have had to do with my sports bra. I learned in my Chekov work last year that if I'm wearing something that is in any way restrictive, I forget to take full rib swings, even if I can. I have to be mindful of that in the future, especially if I end up in a corset or something.

I've been getting a little discouraged in movement class lately. Before our "Little Bears" work, we start with stretches that are pretty intense. I'm not particularly good at them. Movement Professor says that the problem is actually that some parts of my body are TOO stretched out, which means that other parts of my body can't match them. As a result, I can grab my toes when I'm sitting in straddle, but I can't keep my sitz bones on the floor. I asked Movement Professor if I can set up a tutorial with her about it, but she doesn't think I need one. She seems to think we can work out my issues in class. I hope she's right.

We took the next step in our "Little Bears" (partner movement improvisation work) training. We're still working with the Shelter/Sheltie guidelines, but now we're allowed to give weight to our partners. We're not into lifts yet; we're just finding fulcrum points where one body can accept weight of the other body. It looks really sweet when it comes together correctly, but it's tricky to get the hang of it.

We started class by talking about antithesis and sharing our examples from The Greeks, as well as the ones that we had made up. I turned in my paper, but the examples I made up that I remember were:

- The rose was valued, but the thorns were resented.
- The cake was beautiful, but watching him eat the entire thing in one sitting wasn't pretty.
- You have lots of money, so give me a little.
- You are younger and more carefree, but I am older and have more insurance.

Some of my classmates' examples included:
- I am going to eat to my heart's content, even if it makes my bowels discontent. (Iceman)
- I must have an open heart to handle close-minded people. (Thrill)
- She looked like a prostitute, but she acted like a saint to me. (D-Train)
- The biggest problem with you is that you have no small problems. (Big Show)

In the second half of class, we did cold-readings of The Greeks so that Acting Professoressa had a better idea of how to cast us. Here's what we read.

From Hecuba...
Hecuba - Wifey
Polyxena - All-the-Way
Odysseus - Iceman

From Helen...
Helen - Me
Menelaus - Big Show
Soldier - O.D.

From Helen...
Helen - Newbie
Menelaus - D-Train
Soldier - O.D.

From Helen...
Helen - Me
Menelaus - Killer
Soldier - Thrill

From Electra...
Electra - Two-Shots-Up
Chrysothemis - All-the-Way

From Andromache...
Peleus - Killer
Andromache - Newbie
Menelaus - D-Train

From Andromache...
Peleus - O.D.
Andromache - Wifey
Menelaus - Big Show

From Orestes...
Helen - Newbie
Electra - Two-Shots-Up

From Achilles...
Agamemnon - O.D.
Achilles - Killer
Odysseus - Thrill

From Iphigenia at Aulis...
Clytemnestra - Me
Agamemnon - Iceman
Iphigenia - All-the-Way

From Iphigenia at Tauris...
Iphigenia - Two-Shots-Up
Orestes - D-Train
Soldier - O.D.

From Andromache...
Andromache - Newbie
Hermione - Wifey

From Achilles...
Achilles - Thrill
Thetis - Wifey

It sounds like we'll be performing cuttings from three of the ten plays. We should be getting our casting Tuesday.

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