
Wednesday, November 5

I thought Movement was a blast today. We did some group work with Viewpoints in which we were able to incorporate text. My group chose the lyrics from "Hey Jude" as our text. The other groups chose "Jack and Jill Went up the Hill" and "This Little Piggy Went to Market". It was a lot of fun.

We also discussed how the qualities we've been working with in Acting class (flying, flowing, molding, and radiating) fit into Viewpoints, and did an exercise at the end of class in which we tried to use both simultaneously. It was confusing and complicated, but I'm excited to experiment with it more tomorrow.

We got our notes back from our consonant exams, and I did pretty well. My t/liquid-u combos are still splashy (can't you, won't you, don't you). I missed the ending of the word "ghosts". And on "did you" my second "d" was apparently too close to a "t". But great progress, I think, considering that I was once referred to as "the consonant disaster".

Group Therapy
Part of me likes that we have therapy, but I always feel so lousy after we get out of it. It brings all the issues to the surface, and then we have a ten-minute break before Acting class. It's just... ill-timed.

My professor gave a really great analogy about a calculator and a super-computer, but I'm too tired right now to try to recreate it. Just trust me that it was genius.

Tonight was the opening performance of Wilder! Wilder! Wilder!, and things went swimmingly. I'm so proud of the 2nd-year class. I think they've done a tremendous job working on this production, and I'm so grateful to be a part of it, if only in a minor way. Each of the actors plays more than one role, and I think it's really great to see how flexible they all are. I've been so impressed with them, and I'm so excited to watch more from them over the next two years.